From the Inside Out: An Autistic Shutdown

 From the Inside Out: An Autistic Shutdown

Autistics have shutdowns. It’s part of life. There are multiple root causes for a shutdown, including the result of sensory overload, physical and mental exhaustion, unexpected news, anxiety about an upcoming event, and upheaval in our schedule. Sometimes it comes in combination; other times it comes down to simply being “on” for so long, that we have no choice but to turn “off.” Co-occurring stressors, such as physical pain, heightened anxiety, depression, post traumatic stress, and the like, serve to further drain our energy reserves.


The amount of energy it takes a typical, non-autistic person to get through the day is, in most cases, significantly less, in comparison to an autistic’s. In example, I make one hundred conscious decisions, at minimum, within the first hour of waking up. What most individuals decide subconsciously, on a type of automatic mode, I do not. The way I process life can be compared to the sensation one feels when they concentrate on their eyes blinking. When focusing on the eyes closing, we are distracted by an automatic action that would normally not be a distraction. Blinking doesn’t involve thoughts. The way I process is similar to the sensation of paying attention to the blink of one’s eyes: I am pulled into the blinking of my own thoughts.

My brain, like all autistics’ brains, seeks connections through patterns. It is on super drive all day long. It solves, reasons, rearranges, deciphers, and concludes. Every move I make is an effort, an action I am noticing, and behind that action multiple scaffolding thoughts. Where in an average person might think about six things in relation to a feasible outcome, I am thinking of sixty. What one throws out as a die with six sides, I throw out as ten dice with six sides. What commonly goes unnoticed by others, is a heavy blink to me with multiple facets, some hidden, some upright, some tossed off the table.

The questions of how many steps to take, which room to enter first, which task to accomplish next, which word choice to use, how long to linger on one topic, are not just familiarities, they are essential elements of my existence. And behind those questions, evidence gathered in the past, visual flashes of what has been and what could be. In many moments, I am a bystander set within a machine, carried where it leads, with no steering wheel or access to controls—an entity within a larger calculating entity. And this entity is deciphering the feasible best route to everything, including my thinking process.

As my mind works, nothing is disqualified from being factored into an outcome. Even my toothpaste brand, how much paste I squeeze out, and the flow of the water from the faucet, are scoped out and theorized, and then neatly tucked into a web of accumulated data. My thoughts gathered, molded, and placed into a previously opened drawer, a unit only to be reopened and reassembled during a later point of time. I am essentially a vast storage house with feelings.

Seeing as I am constantly moving within strings of webbed-data, in order to gain relief, I am instinctually drawn to a semblance of predictable patterns—something to alleviate the constant sensation of gathering, sorting, and storing. The familiar doesn’t need to be analyzed. And in that there is ultimate refuge. Familiarity can come in multiple shapes and sizes—in a predictable routine, a familiar voice or face, a soothing melody, a favorite movie or book, a pattern of speech.

When I am unable to find predictable retreat in the familiarity, or when something pulls me into overload, especially when I am already at full capacity of input, I cannot help but to go into shutdown. It is automatic. My brain understands no other way to refuel and get back to a place of semi-peace. Unfortunately, the space of shutdown is not always comfortable; sometimes, it is a necessity to get me from one place to the next, like a tattered bridge, booby-trapped in a war zone, strung across and over a deep chasm of unknown.

In example, during my shutdown:

  • I am unaware that I am in shutdown at the starting stage. Usually a part of me knows, but the most of me feels confused and off-balance. At this point I can do nothing but be. I have not an ounce of energy or thought process left to help myself or anyone else. I am literally a computer unplugged. (non-responsive, unaware of surroundings, lost somewhere)
  • I might be unable to form complete thoughts or talk aloud.
  • I spend the majority of time alone, in isolation and away from people. However, I could be sitting in the same room as someone else, but be lost in my mind.
  • As a result of little to no energy whatsoever, I skip showers, don’t brush my hair, stay in my pajamas, don’t eat. (This is different than depression. I am too tired to do anything, even if a part of me wants to.)
  • I finally feel like I can breathe and not think.
  • I curl up into a ball and sleep.

Shutdown leading into implosion or minor-meltdown:

  • Sometimes after a shutdown (or before a shutdown), I experience an implosion of thoughts. My brain, doing what it does best, stemming out in web-like connections trying to solve a problem; only it’s a problem that I cannot readily identify.
  • During implosion, I turn my anger inward and use all-or-nothing self-talk. I use words like never, what was I thinking, I can’t stand this, I won’t ever do this, I am done with that.
  • My mind, in its search for relief, makes big plans. I convince myself in the finality of my situation. That I am at last leaving something behind, turning over a new leaf, making a life altering decision. This usually means wanting to demolish an aspect of self and the way I do things. I long to become tougher, become stronger, even if that goes against my core values. I believe if I am tainted, angry, rude, better than, then I will be able to make a stand for myself.
  • In implosion, I turn my back on a large part of self, thinking who I am, who I was, ultimately continually betrays me. My self-expectations are extreme. I pressure myself into rearranging aspects of self that aren’t ideal. I analyze my frailties and shortcomings, both real and imagined.
  • I visualize extreme decision making: I am never going on Facebook again; I am never reading about autism again; I am never going to ask him for help again; I incorporate the word again into self-talk, as a means of self-punishing myself for past decisions and actions. I criticize my past behaviors: I cannot believe I ever thought that way or acted that way; I shouldn’t be this way: What is wrong with me?
  • I over-exaggerate the dire state of current relationships and self-blame. Everything is ultimately somehow my fault. After all, I should have known better. What is wrong with me to think they ever cared, to have ever trusted, to have ever believed? I wallow in self-pity and hate myself for wallowing in self-pity and being trapped in the isolation chamber again.


Fortunately, part of my brain’s grand analysis scheme has led me to directly dissecting my previous shutdowns and meltdowns. Given the ability to analyze elements of my experiences, I have been granted opportunity to establish certain blinking-light reminders to guide me —reminders that enable me to, at opportune moments, logically steer myself into a direction of less self-injury and poor decision-making.

It’s a delicate balance, in helping self during stages of shutdown (or meltdown), as I need to allow myself not to think too heavily (in order to not fully drain all my energy reserves), but at the same time, I must allow myself opportunity to engage in some constructive self-talk. Also, there is only a finite point of time in which I will actually recognize I am in shutdown and be willing to listen to reason. Some of what I tell myself, includes:

  • This has happened before; this is nothing new;
  • This is part of the way your brain works;
  • You will come out of this soon; you will be okay;
  • Try not to follow through on any major decisions while in this state;
  • You cannot reason yourself out of this, so just go with the flow;
  • If you shame yourself, it’s okay; it’s only temporary.

As an aside, where the mental health professional veers off course, is in their thinking that traditional means of cognitive behavioral therapy will work in such shutdown mode or meltdown mode. They usually don’t understand or comprehend how the mind works of an autistic, unless autistic or well versed in the matter. A counselor implementing a set of rules in hopes of supporting a client, may indeed serve to further drown an already over burdened mind. It is a delicate dance, in which first the one in need must recognize they are trapped in the shutdown, and then maneuver through it without over burdening the mind and causing the act of further sinking into mental exhaustion. This is difficult to explain to anyone, unless they thoroughly analyze what happens in the thinking patterns of the autistic brain.

Like everything else in an autistic world, nothing is simple, nor can be simplified.


I made some minor changes to this original piece, the same day it was published, because I realized I was talking about shutdowns and meltdowns, not just shutdowns. Also it’s important to note that my shutdown and meltdown episodes resemble depression, but the process is different than depression. During meltdown, a part of me is motivated to fix and move forward. A part discouraged. When I am depressed, I know it. When I am in shutdown or meltdown, I have a hard time identifying it. I also usually don’t sink deeper and deeper into sadness with meltdown, rather I seem to be swimming upstream. I don’t feel like the world is crashing in. I don’t lose hope. I am exhausted from living, but I want to live. I want to get better. I want to regain energy.

Each of these describes different shutdowns

Where I Go When I Shutdown

45 thoughts on “From the Inside Out: An Autistic Shutdown

  1. I love this …

    Hearing someone talk about the hundreds of decisions is SO me….

    I’m more aware of meltdowns than shut downs … but I wonder if perhaps my long phases of depression are in reality shutdowns – they sound very similar…. loss of energy and motivation I can really relate to.

    What do others think ?

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Great, loved it. The myriad of decisions and connections and the patterns. No wonder we seek routine. I is wonderful to hear my experience expressed by someone else. Thank you. It helps me feel connected to something.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m sure I have this now. I’m so quick to blame myself and am now afraid to be around parties for fear of overeating. It’s like there’s a fixation on controlling food, exposure to it, types of it, wanting to plan and control meals. It’s so awful. Meltdowns over food and clothes shopping. It doesn’t matter if I’m in the best shape of my life. I’d rather have dental work done than go clothes shopping. So I avoid and avoid and it makes it better temporarily. You’re 100% right, cognitive behavioral therapy doesn’t work on this.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow! So validating! Thank you. I sometimes tell people I’m taking a Vow of Silence/ Meditation Retreat (in my home) so I can literally not talk for a few days. haha. It’s funny that everyone thinks that’s so cool and they don’t pathologize it at all.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. You crawled into my inner phsyche once again… it’s been a few months since I’ve had one so I’m expecting ( with all life’s happenstance) that a crash of one of the two kinds inevitable… oh wait- I did shutdown for three hours after a traumatic doctors appointment when he completely ignored my three requests for him to stop an endoscopy because I wasn’t even prepared for it, didn’t need it ( my results were clear from several other tests I bravely took) and it was causing damage. I had a pea sized lump and bruising in my nose right after and the doctor told me it was impossible and not from him- I questioned myself after that! Maybe I was exaggerating ( as my husband is scrutinizing the obvious lump!) maybe I am too sensitive? I did something wrong – I don’t deserve answers or medical care – my experience isn’t normal thus it is not valid ( and all those ridiculous self flaggelating thoughts) when I came out of it I was livid the doctor did not allow for my autonomy and dismissed the real side effects of his actions. Needless to say the web MD review I wrote was effective and I’m not going back but it took me a full week to stop doubting my own experience 😢 So I get this a lot….


  6. Hello. I love this blog and I really identify with all the post. The thing is I’m 13 but their is no doubt in my mind that I have aspergers. But when ever I bring it up to my mom she insist that I will grow out of my shyness. She doesn’t understand that it’s not just about the me being shy, it is about the fact that I’m struggling and when she thinks I just don’t want to hang out with her and I’m making excuses the truth is watching movies makes me anxious. She doesn’t understand that I want to talk to my extended family I just don’t know when, how to talk. She doesn’t understand why I get so upset when she thinks I’m being rude I’m actually just being honest or saying what’s on my mind. She doesn’t understand that everything constantly makes me anxious. She doesn’t understand why I get so upset when she tries to make me wear certain clothes, eat certain foods, or when she makes certain noises. She doesn’t understand that I desperate to connect with someone but I don’t know how. She just doesn’t understand. Do you have any advice. Sorry that I rambled and I didn’t really comment on the specifics of your post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am sorry to hear about this. I don’t offer out advice as a rule because everyone has unique situations and family dynamics. I have a nice group of people I follow on Twitter @aspergersgirls if you want to join us there. I would say to follow your heart and intuition and try to communicate with your family in ways you think they will be receptive. Much love to you.


    2. I can relate to some extent. When I was 14 I was misdiagnosed as bipolar. It was so frustrating. My mom was convinced that was the truth. I felt so misunderstood, and also like I really needed to be understood. It was a hard time.
      My point is to relate to hopefully make you feel like there are women out here who get it and you’re not alone. Not sure if you feel alone, but … well anyway, that’s my point.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. What a great piece. It sums me up exactly. I’ve been diagnosed only last year with Aspergers and done the Ron Davis course for autism and it’s helped me recognise and understand when I’m having a meltdown and helped me cope with it by getting out for a walk or to shutdown somewhere quiet.
    I wish I had been diagnosed years ago now as I’m now 47 and had many verbal and the odd physical meltdown in workplaces and this could have been handled differently over the years if only I knew what was happening.
    Like the article mentioned I also spend many hours each day “processing” everything ranging from getting into a lift full of people to speaking to people on the phone and in person and to walking on the busy streets avoiding bumping into people. There is also no real “unconscious” or “instinctive” decisions in what we do. No wonder I’m exhausted at the end of a working day and I tend to hibernate over the weekend to rest and to avoid other people,
    My current job role isn’t doing me any favors currently with daily “shutdowns and silent meltdowns” and want to leave but at this stage of my life I don’t know what to do next and I don’t know if I got the confidence to start a business as much as I would like to. My wife understands this but is understandably nervous for me starting out on my own. See how it goes. Thank you again!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Thank you so much I had never heard of shutdown before. . I thought I was going mad till I read this and realised that my current episode of depression has led me to a shutdown.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. This is the metanoiac process I undergo. It is qualitatively different from the depression and existential anguish, usually only brought on by my PMDD and PCOS and the pain from my endo and fibro and EDS.

    Yet, since I know the steps, this process, and meditation (the most useful being focusing on the present, recognizing that everything perceived is already in the past, detaching from and observing my thoughts and all the rest), I’ve been able to traverse the meltdown and the depression.

    Though depression isn’t simply sadness; it is more about motivation and certain emotionality.

    Anyway, but the shutdown is always hardest to recover from (for me) because only time fixes that. It is like a mentally-induced chronic pain crash, and manifests very similarly in that the only solution is immobility and rest.

    Hmmm… lol. All that to say, yes to all this.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I have not been diagnosed. But this blog is my life, I cannot believe I have been suffering alone with this for so long, and there is a reason for it. I just thought I was dumb or slow, or too anxious to deal with things. I could cry right now!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. This is such an insightful piece, thank you!!
    My shut down really isn’t a depression, although people often don’t get it. It’s different. Like I know I’ll come out of it, I just need to let myself rest. And yeah meltdown is a whole other ballgame.

    Your site is rad, and I appreciate it.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. My son has autism and is 21 years. I saw a gradual regression in his ability to handle life over the last few months. After returning from a vacation with us, he was very upset to be home with nothing to do. He ended up playing donkey kong for a full day on his computer to cope. He spent all the days in his room reading and then stopped reading. He has also stopped speaking and doing anything for the past two weeks. He will not leave his bed and eats there all the time. He has not spoken a word in two weeks. He has stopped all eye contact and does not even look at the screens anymore. If a movie is on, he looks over the screen or to the side. He is not responding to any of us but only smiles when he thinks he likes something. Otherwise, he just stares and is lost in his thoughts. He refuses to take a shower or wash his hair or clip his nails. He waits until we are all in our bedrooms for the night and then he goes in the main washroom to brush his teeth,, wash his face and use the toilet Once a day and that is all he does. Is this shutdown mode? How long does this type of shutdown last?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It depends on coexisting conditions and other factors, such as coping skills, personality, support persons. I’ve seen shutdowns last up to 9 days for those close to me. It is hard to watch. Finding other adult autistics to talk to and others who understand helps me to remain resilient enough to help my loved ones.


      1. I don’t know if this might be useful — if not please ignore!

        What you described sounds a lot like my shut downs now that I live with roommates again. I dread interacting with anyone when I’m in that space. It’s not an inherently bad place, but, like your share seemed to imply, the aversion to being around people makes it bad.

        I don’t know if you’re at all receptive to suggestions, but here are mine:

        If he doesn’t already know that he will have a block of time alone in the house in the middle of the day (either because he doesn’t have that time, or because he doesn’t fully know that he can depend on it), and you are able, cut out that time for him. In other words, make a routine out of giving him ample time alone in the middle of the day, and let him know what he can expect (i.e. “I’m leaving today for an hour at 1:00 PM. I won’t be back until 2:00 at the earliest.”) And make that clockwork daily.

        Take the emotions out of your voice. Just be simple and matter of fact. Emotions can feel like pressure to perform, with the typical crushing weight of feeling unable to perform. I guarantee he doesn’t feel good about himself, so any sort of sign that you are hurting (even if it comes in the form of you talking to him in a sweet, motherly voice) will make him more inclined to retreat. It’s just overwhelming to consider other people’s feelings. I know how that sounds. It’s really not a choice. I know that for me when I can, I do. But when i’m overwhelmed and on shut down/avoidance I just do not have the bandwidth for any possible sign that someone else is emotionally uncomfortable with my reality. I just need space to recover.

        Obviously I don’t know you at all, so if you don’t appreciate any part of this my sincere apologies! I’m only sharing in the hopes that it could help.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Not sure if you will get a notification to my reply to EverydayAspie’s reply to your reply. I left one for you there.

      Here’s one final note: I am 35 now. My life was really bad when I was in my early 20s. As a teenager I had to live in a special home, I never went to a proper high school (and never graduated any high school). My parents were always so sad and worried about me during that phase of my life.
      Today I am in a prestigious university, finally halfway through with a high computational bachelor’s degree. I live far away from any of my friends and family.

      I don’t know what your sons unique strengths and weaknesses are, but I can tell you that the life I live now is beyond the dreams anyone dared have for me at that age. Chin up!


      1. Thank you so much for replying. I just got notified a year later. Not sure why this shows up now but it came at a good time because he went into the mental health clinic a year ago for 5 weeks and the meds did not help him to talk until he took lorazepam. However, it is a strong drug so it was temporary. He lives at home again now and stays in his room away from everyone and enjoys his laptop. He eats with the family but will not socialize with us or watch movies with us. He is now almost 23. I hope it changes soon. Thank you for the hope. He told the psychiatrist last year that he could not cope with life. Good to see that things can change.


  13. I can’t express the sense of relief reading this, that you get it. I am currently in shutdown mode from Uni/Work balance. It happens every semester and each time it’s like its never happened before. There is a small voice telling me “relaaaax, this will pass” xx

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Being on the spectrum myself, i have noticed the Same things in my life. Its somthing hard to discribe, somthing That does happen to me, caused nu stress. I know whats happening to me, but i Cannot explain it to Anyone. Like i just cant. Not That i dont want to, but That i cant do it

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Read in Oct. 2018
    THANK YOU! Finally an explanation to why this happens. I’m not bipolar but without the knowledge I have now because of your blog, I felt like I was and I could do nothing to break the cycle. My environment is very much stressed and explosive. And to know that this “shutdown” has an explanation and is normal-ish for an Aspie, gives me hope. So again, thank you so much for the time you have given to helps others like us, truly grateful!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. I am just now discovering what had actually been ‘wrong’ with me my whole life & I’ll be 50 this year.
    How do I learn now to manage this part of me to go forward with the/my personal goals this year??


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